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Odesk Test Photoshop cs3 answer by bdbookfair

Thanks for visit bd bookfair. Odesk Test Photoshop cs3 answer is below

Ø Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.

Ø Which of the following Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object?
Ans: Pattern Maker

Ø With which of the given options does the Signal Strength Meter appear?
Ans: It appears when you choose 'merge to hdr command'

Ø Channels can not be added to which of the following image modes?
Ans: Bitmap

Ø Which among the following Modes does not support layers?
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not true about Filters?
Ans: None of the above

Ø Which of the following is not true about the Curves dialog box?
Ans: The Curves dialog box lets you adjust up to 14 different points throughout an image's tonal range

Ø Which of the following Slices is created with the Slice Tool?
Ans: User slices

Ø Which of the following features is supported by the EPS file format?
Ans: It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes

Ø Which among the following blending modes is available only for the Apply Image and Calculationscommands?
Ans: Both a and b

Ø What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?
Ans: It can alter the shape of a selection

Ø Which type of information is not displayed by the Info Palette?
Ans: It does not display the opacity of the current layer

Ø Which among the following is not a right option for selecting a web-safe color from the Color Palette?
Ans: Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu

Ø Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to close a Path?
Ans: None of the above
Ø Anti-aliasing option is available for which of the given Tools?
Ans: All of the above
Ø Which of the following options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?
Ans: B

Ø What happens when Use Legacy is selected as shown in the given picture?
Ans: It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels

Ø Which option will you select to open the Levels dialog box?
Ans: Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels

Ø Which type of images are resolution-dependent?
Ans: Vector images

Ø Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a part of a distorted image?
Ans: A

Ø In which Format will you save your file to preserve the Alpha channels?
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not a kind of text type?
Ans: Line type

Ø Which option will you select to convert Types to Shapes?
Ans: Both b and c

Ø The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.

Ø Which of the following Layer properties can be animated?
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which View will you choose to display a Histogram with no controls or statistics?
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which of the given options displays left indent in the Paragraph palette?
Ans: B

Ø Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to group Layers?
Ans: Control + G

Ø The Rotate Canvas command does not work on which of the following
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which of the Saving commands is available for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?
Ans: Check In

Ø When will the Dynamic shortcuts appear in the Character Palette Menu as shown in the picture?
Ans: All of the above
Ø Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.

Ø Which option will you choose to select all layers of a similar type?
Ans: All of the above

Ø Which of the following is not a Color Adjustment command?
Ans: Adjustment command

Ø By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers. .

Ø A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe applications.

Ø Which option will you select to remove the existing profile from the document in the given image?
Ans: C

Ø You cannot change the order of the Vector masks or working paths in the Paths palette.

Ø The Color Replacement Tool does not work in which of the following Image modes?
Ans: All of the above

Ø In which of the following Modes can you draw while working with the Shape or Pen tools?
Ans: All of the above

Ø The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images

Ø Which among the following QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop extended?
Ans: MOV

Odesk PHP 5 test answers by bdbookfair

Thanks for visit BD BOOK FAIR. Today I share odesk skill test answer named Odesk PHP 5 test for
Web designer and Developers to get more job .ok let's  start

Question: What is true regarding this code?
Ans: setcookie will return true
Question: Which of the following is not a correct way of printing text in php5?
Ans: echo "Plain text";

Question: Which of the following is not the correct way of starting a session?
Ans: session_initiate()
Question: Which of the following functions do you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication?
Ans: None of the above

Question: Which of the following Command Line Interface constant is not defined in the CLI SAPI?

Question: Which of the following statements is correct with regard to final and abstract?
Ans: a. An abstract class cannot have final methods

Question: Which composite data types are supported by php?
Ans: Array

Question: The default value of register_globals in PHP is:
Ans: Off

Question: Which of the following is not a valid PHP connection status?
Ans: open

Question: Choose the correct statement:
Ans:  include() includes and evaluates a specific file
require_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before

Question: If the session_cache_expire() is not set, then by default the session cache will expire after:
Ans: 3 hrs

Question: What will be the output of the following script?
function Argument()
echo $count;
Ans: It will print 1

Question: State whether True or False

Paamayim Nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?
Ans: True
Question: Which of the following statements is true with regard to comparisons in PHP5?
Ans: With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class.
Question: Which of the following built-in function assist in checking if actually the function exists or not?
Ans: function_exists
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$a = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < a ="="">
Ans: 1

Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo $i . " " . $j . " " . $k . " ";
Ans: 5 31 7.5

Question: Which of the following is a not a correct way of commenting in php?
Ans: /#PHP Comment

Question: Following is a php code block:
$z=$n++/$m++ + --$z;
echo $z;
what will be the output?
Ans: 18
Question: Which of the following is the correct way of specifying default value?
Ans: function GetDiscount($Type = "Special") { . . . }

Question: With reference to the following php script:
print 'Text Line1'
print 'Text Line2'
What will be the output on running the script?
Ans: Error message will be printed

Question: What will be the ouput of the following code?
for ($i = 0; $i < i ="="">
Question: Late PHP versions support remote file accessing for the functions:
Ans: include_once()
both of them
Question: You have designed a user login form as follows:
User Name:  
How can you access the username entered by the user in the 'Validate.php' webpage?
a. $var= $_POST['username'];
b. $var= $_REQUEST['username'];
c. import_request_variables('p', 'p_');
$var= $p_username;
Ans:  Both of them

Question: Which of the following does not represent logical AND operator in PHP?
Ans: &amp

Question: Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?
Ans: These can't be converted to non-persistent connections

Question: Which of the following are invalid data types in PHP?
Ans: char
Question: The Manager and Office classes are as follows:
class Manager{
function printName() {
echo "Manager";
class Office{
function getManager() {
return new Manager();
$ofc = new Office();
Which of the following should replace '???' to obtain the value of printName() function?
Ans: $ofc->getManager()->printName();

Question: The classes are defined as follows:abstract class BaseCls{
protected abstract function getName();
class ChildCls extends BaseCls{
Which of the following implementations of getName() is invalid in ChildCls?
Ans: public function getName(){}

Question: Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?
Ans: var $term =3;

Question: What will be the output of following code?
$arr = "a";
echo $arr;
echo $arr[0];
Ans: bb

Question: For the following code:
the output will be:
Ans: 171

Question: What is the result of the following expression?
Ans: 5+2 * 4+6

Question: What will be the output of following code?
$var = 1 + "-1.3e3";
echo $var;
Ans: -1299

Question: What will be the output of following code?
echo "$var1 $a";
Ans: a b

Question:What is the output of the following code?
$a = 500;
$b = 200;
echo $a % 2
* $b;
Ans: 0

Question: What will be the ouput of the following code?
if (-1)
print "true";
print "false";
Ans: true
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo 12 . 6;
Ans: 126
Question: Consider the following sample code:
$x = 0xFFFE;
$y = 2;
$z = $x && $y;
What will be the value of $z?
Ans: 1
                                                                  power by www.bdbookfair.tk

oDesk HTML 4.01 Test Answer by bdbookfair

Thanks for visit BD BOOK FAIR. Today I share odesk skill test answer named oDesk HTML 4.01  Test answers .ok let's  start,

Question no. 1 Which of the following statements is correct for a blockquote?
a. It make the text a bit bigger for emphasizing.
b. It defines the start of a long quote.
c. It makes the text slightly bolder.
Ans: b. It defines the start of a long quote.

Question no. 2 Which of the following is incorrect about the relation between HTML and XHTML?
a. XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML.
b. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01.
c. XHTML and HTML both are used to generate dynamic content.
d. XHTML brings together the elements of HTML and the syntax of XML.
Ans: b. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01.

Question no. 3 Choose the incorrect statement(s):
a. An HTML attribute is additional information included inside a tag.
b. HTML is case sensitive.
c. All the HTML4.01 tags must be paired.
d. Your browser may appear to correctly use newly deprecated code for the present, but its support for deprecated code could be
halted at any time after the browser is updated.
Ans: b. HTML is case sensitive.

Question no. 4 Which of the following tags can be used in place of a button tag?
a. legend
b. ol
c. input
d. dl
Ans: c. input

Question no. 5
Which of the following is not a valid input type of the form tag?
a. checkbox
b. image
c. hidden
d. button
e. All are valid
Ans: e. All are valid

Question no. 6 It is not necessary to give the coordinates for an image or object defined within an area tag, if the value of its shape attribute is:
a. circle
b. poly
c. default
d. rect
Ans: c. default

Question no. 7 Which of the following is/are a valid value for the type attribute of the input tag?
a. text
b. icon
c. reset
d. password
Ans: a. text , c. reset , d. password

Question no. 8 Which of the following is not correct for an action attribute for a form tag?
a.The action attribute can be defined at runtime.
b. If the value for action is null (action=""), then the form submits user data to itself.
c. If the URL is not provided to the action attribute, the form will not submit user data anywhere.
d. None of the above
Ans: d
Question no. 9 Which of the following values is/are valid for the align attribute of a tag?
d. offset
Ans: a,b,c
Question no. 10 What do you infer from the following code? <a href = "http://www.expertrating.com"> Expert Rating
a.This href is using absolute path for linking.
b. This href is an example of relative path linking.
Ans: a
Question no. 11 Which of the following statements is correct for the tag?
a. The text under block quote must be enclosed in a block level element in a strict DTD document.
b. The attribute named cite must be specified.
c. Closing the tag is optional.
d. It places an empty line after the text.
Ans: ()

Question no. 12 Which of the following is/are not true for a paragraph tag in HTML 4.01?
a. The text must be enclosed in <p> and </p> tags.
b. It creates an empty line above its starting line.
c. It cannot be used within a <td> tag.
d. It creates an empty line after its ending line.
 Ans: b,c

Question no. 13 A piece of text contains many blank spaces within it. Which of the following tags would be suitable to display the text as it was originally formatted?
a. td
b. p
c. ls
d. pre
 Ans: d

Question no. 14 You are creating several web pages for a website that contain several rather large data tables, many of which are somewhat similar in the number of columns, rows, and in other common table formatting. In addition, CSS will be employed for formatting the tables. Which one of the following types of CSS has the highest priority over the others and typically requires the greatest total amount of code space for the entire website for formatting the various <td> table cells?
a. External style sheet
b. Inline style
c. Internal style sheet
d. Browser default
 Ans: a

Question no. 15 Which of the following attributes is/are related to the <img> tag?
a. height
b. alt
c. src
d. All of the above
 Ans: d

Question no. 16 The following link is placed on an HTML webpage.
<a href="http://msdn.com/" target="_blank"> MSDN </a>
What do you infer from it?
a. It will open the site msdn.com in the same window.
b. It will open the site msdn.com in a new window.
c. It will open the site msdn.com in a frame below.
d. It will not be clickable as it is not formed correctly.
 Ans: b

Question no. 17 Is the following code valid in HTML 4.01 Strict?
<ul><li><ol><li>A</li><li>B</li><ul><li>Item1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul><li>C</li></ol></li></ul>
a. Perfectly valid.
b. Invalid because you should not have three levels of nesting in the lists.
c. Invalid because you should not have an unordered list within an ordered list.
d. Invalid because a <ul> tag should not conflict with an <ol> tag at the same list level.
Ans: a

Question no. 18 Which of the following values for the scrolling attribute for the frame tag is not valid?
a. yes
b. default
c. auto
d. no
Ans: ()

Question no. 19 Which of the following is/are not correct for a <meta> tag in HTML 4.01?
a. It is more useful if it is placed in a head element.
b. It can be used to specify the keywords for the search engines.
c. It can be used to redirect users to other URLs.
d. It is mandatory to specify its name or scheme attributes.
 Ans: d

Question no. 20 The tag that is used to pass the parameters to an applet is:
a. appletpar
b. applet
c. param
d. val
Ans: c

Question no. 21 Which of the following attributes is/are valid for a select tag contained within a form tag?
a. name
b. size
c. multiple
d. All of the above
Ans: d

Question no. 22 For the following items of a <select> list:
<option value="89">Item 1</option>
<option value="90">Item 2</option>
Which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit button on selecting Item 2 from the list?
a. 89
b. 90
c. Item 1
d. Item 2
Ans: b

Question no. 23 You have to add a list of products in a drop-down list. What will you use to group the identical products under a category name?
a. optgroup
b. option
c. menu
d. var
e. There is no way to do this
Ans: a

Question no. 24 Which of the following shows the basic tag structure of an HTML document?
a. <html><head><body></body></html>
b. <html><body></body></html>
c. <html><head></head><body></body></html>
d. <html><head></head></html>

Question no. 25 You want to provide a form field to the users for writing lengthy comments on the quality of the services provided by you. Which of the following tags will you use?
a. <textarea rows="8" cols="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
b. <textarea row="8" col="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
c. <textarea rowcount="8" colcount="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
d. <input type="text" maxlength="100"/>
Ans: d

Question no. 26 Which of the following set of coordinate values refers to an image defined by the area tag with the value of poly for its shape attribute?
a. coords="150,217,190,257,150,297,110,257"
b. coords="150,190,150,110"
c. coords="150,217,190,257,150"
d. coords="150,110,190,220,150,150,120"
Ans: b

Question no. 27 What is meant by the cellspacing attribute?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column.
b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell.
c. It specifies the space between two cells.
d. It makes the cell span more than one row.
Ans: c

Question no. 28 Which of the following attributes comes in handy when borders have to be put between groups of columns instead of every column?
a. col
b. colgroup
c. rowspan
d. row
Ans: b

Question no. 29 A few lines in an HTML paragraph are to be formatted differently from the rest of the lines. Which tag will assist in this?
a. div
b. p
c. span
d. format
Ans: b

Question no. 30 How will you specify a comment in an HTML document?
a. <!!- Here is a comment... -!>
b. <-Here is a comment.. ->
c. <!-- Here is a comment.. -->
d. <! Here is a comment... -!>
 Ans: c

Question no. 31 Which of the following is correct regarding the frame attribute in the <table> tag?
a. It is used to add a frame to the table.b. A hsides value for the frame attribute will show the border lines for horizontal sides only.
c. A hsides value for the frame attribute will not show the border lines for horizontal sides only.
d. A hsides value for the frame attribute will add a scrollable frame on the horizontal sides.
Ans: b

 Question no. 32 What is meant by cellpadding?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column.b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell.
c. It specifies the space between two cells.
d. It makes the cell span more than one row.
Ans:  b

Question no. 33 Within a table cell <td>:
a. <p></p> tags cannot be used.
b. <ol></ol> tags cannot be used
c. <table></table> tags cannot be used.
d. <form></form> tags cannot be used.e. All the above tags could be used.
Ans: e

Question no. 34 A developer wrote this image tag:
<img src ="states.gif" width ="330" height ="406" alt="States"
usemap ="#statemap" />
What code should follow this?
a. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />
b. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap"> </map>
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />
c. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>
d. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>
Ans: ()

Question no. 35 You want to display a table listing out customer names and their contact information. The heading of the table is shown in the figure. What is the code for creating the first line of the table heading?
a. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th colspan=3>Contact</th>
b. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellpadding=3>Contact</th>
c. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th rowspan=3>Contact</th>
d. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellspacing=3>Contact</th>
<tr> <th>Customer Name</th> <th cellpadding=3>Contact</th> </tr>   Ans:

Question no. 36 What would you infer from the following code in an HTML 4.01 Web site? <body topmargin=2 leftmargin=2>
a. The top margin and left margin of the webpage is 2 pixels.
b. The bottom margin and right margin of the web page is 2 pixels.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above. The topmargin and leftmargin attributes are not valid HTML 4.01 body attributes.
Ans: a

Question no. 37 You specified a base tag and anchors as follows:
1. <base target="_blank">
2. <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a>
3. <a href="http://www.google.com" target="_top">Google</a>
Which of the following is true for the above code?
a. Only the Yahoo link will open in a new window.
b. Only the Google link will open in a new window.
c. Both links will open in a new window.
d. Both links will open in the same window.
 Ans: c

Question no. 38 On one of your Web pages named Listing.html, you specified a target like this:
<a name="target4">Old Listing</a>
How will you make a link to the above target?
a. <a url="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
b. <a href="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
c. <link url="target4">Check Old Listing as well</link>
d. <a href="Listing.target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
 Ans: b

Question no. 39 Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form tag?
a. method
b. action
c. name
d. id
Ans: b

Question no. 40 The tag which is used to show monospaced text is:
a. <td>
b. <th>
c. <tt>
d. <b>
Ans: b
                                       power by www.bdbookfair.tk

oDesk Css test Answer for web designer by Bdbookfair

Thanks for visit BD BOOK FAIR. Today I share odesk skill test answer named oDesk Css test  Answer for web designer .ok let's  start

Question 1:Which of the following is true for a class selector?

a.            It uses a hash as the separator symbol
b.            It applies the style to only the first element defined with that style
c.            It applies the style to only the last element defined with that style
d.            It applies the style to all the elements defined with that style

Question 2:
Which of the following does not apply to external styles?

a.            Clean separation of design & content
b.            Minimal code duplication
c.            Highest priority
d.            Reduces page download time
Ans: C

Question 3:

Read the following Code:
Background: white url(“bar.gif”);
Background-repeat: repeat-y;
Background-position: center;
What will be the output of this code?

a.            Image bar.gif will be tiled vertically in the background in the center of the page.
b.            Image bar.gif will be tiled horizontally in the background in the center of the page
c.            Image bar.gif will be displayed in the center of the page
d.            Image bar.gif will be stretched in the center of the page
Ans: A

Question 4: Which of the following is not a valid text-decoration option?

a.            Text-decoration :line-through
b.            Text-decoration :in-line
c.            Text-decoration :overline
d.            Text-decoration :underline
e.            Text-decoration :none
Ans: B

Question 5:
You defined some links as follows:
What will be the color, when the mouse goes over a link?

a.            Green
b.            Blue
c.            Red
d.            Black
Ans: B

Question 6:
The following is a style definition:

How will you refer to this style in your web page?

                     A. by using the class attribute in a td cell•
                     B. by using the id Attribute in a td cell•
                     C. by using the class attribute in any html element which supports the class attribute•
                     D. by using the id attribute in any html element which support the id attribute•
Ans: B

Question 7: Which of the following is not a valid property of an aural style sheet?
a.            Cue
b.            Voice-family
c.            Load
d.            Speak
Ans: C
Question 8:
Your website displays some articles on java programming. The articles contain blocks of java code as well. If you want to leave ‘1 cm’ space above and below the code blocks, you would use:

a.            Code{margin:1cm}
b.            Code{margin-top:1cm; margin-bottom:1cm}
c.            P{margin:1cm}
d.            P{margin-top:1cm; margin-bottom:1cm}
Ans: B
Question 9:

                        Text text text text
                        A      Text text
                        Sentence text text
                        Inside text text
                        A         text ext
                        Text     text text
                                Text text
                        Text text text text

You have and article of 100 lines. If for instance, you want to describe the theme with a few lines inside the text highlighted separately as show in the image which of the following property will you use?

a.            Outline
b.            Display
c.            Float
d.            Merge

Question 10:
You are fetching customer names from a database. The names in the database are mostly in lowercase. What is the name of the text property which will facilitate capitalization of these names?

a.            Text-mode
b.            Text-transform
c.            Text-decoration
d.            Text-shadow
e.            Text-case
Ans: B
Question: 11:

Here is one of the styles defined in your webpage:
border-width:thin thick

What type of border will be displayed if one of the paragraphs defined in the webpage uses this style?

a.            This will display a red border with thin top and bottom
b.            This will display a red border with thick top and bottom
c.            This will display a red border with thick left and right
d.            This will not display any border

Question 12: Which of the following are correct values of the overflow property?
a.            Visible
b.            Hidden
c.            Scroll
d.            Auto
Ans: A,B,C,D

Question 13: Which of the following is correct?

a.            Blockquote{text-padding:2em 4em 5em}
b.            Blockquote{padding-x:2em 4em 5em}
c.            Blockquote{padding-y:2em 4em 5em}
d.            Blockquote{padding:2em 4em 5em}

Question 14: Which element property is required to define internal styles?

a.            Class
b.            Style
c.            span
d.            link
Ans: B

Question 15 Which style property can be used to display only some part of an image?

a.            Snap
b.            Clip
c.            Scroll
d.            Visible

Question 16 Which of the following is not true for a style sheet?

a.            A style sheet defines how an html element will be displayed
b.            Internal and external style sheets can not be used together
c.            Multiple style definitions will cascade into one
d.            The same style sheet can be used by many html pages
Ans: A

Question 17 Which of the following font properties deals with aspect value?

a.    Font-weight
b.    Font-variant
c.     Font-size-adjust
d.    Font-size

Question 18:
Consider this style definition:
P i{color:red}
What do you understand about the contextual selector used above?

a.            All the text within a paragraph will be italicized
b.            All the italic text in the page will have red color
c.            All the page text under
tag and tag will be red
d.            All the italic text with in a paragraph will be red

Question 19
Background-position sets the position of the background image what happens if its value is 0% 0%?

a.            Image will have zero width and height so it will be hidden.
b.            Image will be positioned at the upper left corner.
c.            Image will be positioned at the lower right corner
d.            None of the above

Question 20: You want to increase the space between the lines in all you paragraphs. What will you use?

a.            P{width:1cm}
b.            P{height: 1cm}
c.            P{line-height:1cm}
d.            P{line-width:1cm}
Ans: C

Question 21: The default value for the overflow property is:

a.            Scroll
b.            Visible
c.            Hidden
d.            Auto
Ans: C*

Question 22:
Which of the following will set the page size to 8.5 inches x 11 inches with 2cm margin al all sides?
a.            @page {width:8.5in;Height:11in; margin:2cm}
b.            @page {width:8.5in x 11in; margin:2cm}
c.            @page {size:8.5in 11in; margin:2cm}
d.            @page {size:8.5in 11in; margin:2cm}

Question 23: Which of the following is not a valid list property?
a.            List-style-type
b.            List-style-position
c.            List-style-image
d.            List-style-align

Question 24: Which of the following is not a pseudo class?
      a.    Link
      b.    Active
      c.     Lang
      d.    Ins

Question 25: Which of the following Statement is correct?

a.            When using css, positioning can be absolute, relative or dynamic
b.            The float Property for text/images can be left, right or center
c.            The values of visibility can be true or False
d.            The display Property sets how an element is displayed

Question 26:
The Font “Times New Roman” has an aspect value of 0.46 .What do you understand from this?

a.            When font size is set to 46px. The height of the letter ‘x’ will be 100px
b.            When font size is set to 100px. The height of the letter ‘x’ will be 46px

Question 27: The font-family property is used to specify a:
a.            Family name
b.            Generic Family
c.            Family name and /or generic Family

Question 28: Paged media differ from continuous media in that the content of the document is divided into one or more pages. When you set the dimensions, which of the following will be applied?

a.            The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box minus the margin area
b.            The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box plus the margin area
c.            The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box and margin area does not affect it.
d.            None of the above

Question 29: Which of the following is not a correct keyword value for the display property?

      a.    Expended
       b.    Inline-table
       c.     Table-row
       d.    Table-column-group

Question 30: Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

a.            Orphans
b.            Widows
c.            Bottom
d.            Overflow
e.            None of the above

Question 31 Which of the following is correct with regard to comments in a style sheet?

a.            Comments can appear outside the style definition only
b.            Comments start with//
c.            Comments end with */
d.            Comments are not permitted in a style sheet

Question 32 Which of the following border styles is not correct?
a.    Border-style: ridge
b.    Border-style : outset
c.     Border-style : dotted
d.    Border – style : matted

Question 33: How will you display text as a superscript?

a.            Vertical-align: super
b.            Vertical-align: superscript
c.            Vertical-align : top

Question 34
The following is a style definition:

Color: red;

How will you refer to this style in you web pages?
a.            By using the class attribute in a td cell
b.            By using the id attribute in a td cell
c.            By using the class attribute in any html element which supports the class attribute
d.            By using the id attribute in any html element which supports the id attribute.

Question 35 Which of the following is true for an ID selector?

a.            It uses a dot as the separator symbol
b.            It applies the style to only the first element defined with that selector
c.            It applies the style to only the last elements defined with that selector
d.            It applies the style to all the elements defined with that selector

Question 36: Which of the following values are correct for Font-style?

a.            Normal, wider, narrower
b.            Normal , italic, oblique
c.            Normal, bold, lighter
d.            Small , medium , large

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